Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How I can have better time mangement?

What is time? Who came up with the concept of time? I am utterly confused on how time can be measured. When I watch a movie that I enjoy two hours feel like a half hour sitcom on TV, but if I am waiting for class to end, an hour can seem endless. Doesn't that mean that time is subjective and not bound to any rules of regulation. Since it takes the Earth 24 hours to do one revolution around its axis we call that a "day". Why does human time have to depend on the earth, if humans make the world go round? Am I right? Alright so maybe humans are not the center of the universe, but like many people I feel that there is just not enough hours in a day for me to get everything done. I want to do so much and at the end of the day I feel I did not accomplish anything.
  Now instead of complaining to the universe about time I will focus on something that is subjective. Time management. I think some people are born with the gift of time management and I am not one of them, but that doesn't mean that I can not become better. So I am coming up with a genius plan to not make time last longer, but instead improve my outlook on how I preform tasks.
  Mistake number one: Social Media. There is so much going on with friends, family and acquaintances that one tap on Facebook can last more that 10 minutes. Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter have also consumed so much out of my little time that I have.
Solution: Instead of logging into social using the app (if you are using your phone). Login using the browser. Delete the app! Unless you are using snapchat. Having to open the browser, then you have to log in takes more time and for the most part using the browser isn't as pleasant as using the app. If you are unable to delete the app then turn off all notifications from your social media applications and log off. Allow yourself to use social media for about 15-30 minutes and do not surpass the time allotted.  Make sure to schedule your time on social media.

Mistake: Over committing yourself. I always tend to want to do so much! Just like everything there is maximum one can do.
Solution: GOOGLE CALENDAR!!!!!!!!!  Lupe Fiasco said that hip hop saved his life. In my case Google Calendar has saved my life, and it has basically become my personal assistant. I have learned to constantly plan ahead, because not planning ahead causes chaos! Dedicate a day of the week to plan for the next week. I plan on Friday nights every week for the upcoming week. I set goals of different things I want to have done that week, and they don't have to big goals. For example I will jot down that I want to wash my car, change my bikes oil, and wash my bed sheets this week, I will add that to my calendar for the week. I try to plan everything from classes to grocery shopping and gym times.  Keeping my time organized I know what I can do and what I can not do. If anything comes up I open my Google Calendar app and check If I have time and add it into my schedule.
 Using Google Calendar can not be any easier and it is 100% FREE. All you need is a google account and if you have a gmail or android phone you already have one. If you do not have a gmail account just simply go to and sign up. Once you have a google account type in into your internet browser and bam you are now on the worlds greatest calendar. All you have to is click create on the top right hand side or click on a day of the weak to start inputting your daily activities. Once you have created your schedule you can set reminders! This is my all time favorite thing about google calendar. You can set up google to remind you by text message, notification on your phone(if you have the app) and or a friendly email. I would recommend to download the user friendly app on your android or apple device. From the app you can instantly view your schedule and add create new events. I think I am going to create a separate post just about google calendar, so I guess this is just a little sneak peak.

I will be adding more tips soon...

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