Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman..Amazing?

Just came back from the movies with my brother and friend, we saw the amazing Spiderman. Growing up The Amazing Spider-man was one of my most favorite cartoon, it was funny, cool, and just plain awesome. The movies was different, since we already all had a perspective how spiderman was suppose to be- from the other 3 movies that were made in the past. The movie was good, alot of the cartoon features, it felt like the actual cartoon but it was 3D and so high tech. Another cool kick was the Spidy moves, one of my favorite concept of this new spiderman was its personality, Spiderman had a character, he had a sense of humor. Overall I wont miss Toby being spider-man, Its a must go for any cartoon fan to go, not the best it could have been but certainly a good jump-start.
-Tomorrow I will do a full in depth Review

Monday, July 2, 2012

Recent Break up - A Month Ago

About a little over a year I met a girl at a party, didn't really talk to her or even say hi to her, but she did happen to catch my attention, all I knew was her name and mutual friends, what I did was add her on facebook. I heard so many things about her, that she wasn't faithful that she lied, that she was a no good dirty girl who didnt respect anybody including her self. I thought to myself could all this non sense be true, I wanted to find out, so I did- Big mistake. Three months in of being facebook friends she received a message from me, a simple "hey" which meant a million words in my mind. We exchanged messages, smiles and friendly words, off to good start but I wanted more, asked for her number and talked for like an hour that night. Little did I know she had a boyfriend. So months go by shes being "faithful" to her boyfriend by ignoring me completely. I got a job at local low end supermarket, getting paid pennies to burn off calories. About also 3 months she gets a job there too being a cashier, I made my moves, and boy I'll tell you the easiest girl ever to get with, she wasn't a 10 on my scale more like a 7 but she sure did pass time. So in about two weeks of just talking to her she was my girlfriend. Was I proud? Not really she was known as a "hoe" to many people, she thought I was stupid and that I didn't know what she was doing at school( since shes still in high school). Her Maturity level about everything was about a 5, her body was like 7.5, Sure I know I'm no where near perfect but I do respect me and my body. So I was nice to her, treated her right and never tried to get anything out of her, It was a real roller coaster ride, I was enjoying the highs even though I knew they weren't going to last. Honestly I did like her, would I fight for her of course not. About 3 months in the relationship I gave up on her, I clearly just wanted her to break up with me, never texted her, just stop caring when she caught up, I put on my Tony Award into practice. "Baby I'm sorry I'll change I know I haven't been treating you the same, I'm sorry". I would say that for courtesy. I knew I just had to hold on until her birthday June 10, pretty awesome, my master plan not tell her happy birthday and not waste money on a gift for her. It worked! She got mad and came out of the closet saying She loved her boyfriend. Of course that person wasn't me it was her "ex". It didn't hurt me because I had already gave up on her. My experiences made me realize that just because a girl has a cute face doesn't mean shes a cute girl. I digged deep into her, I saw the way she lied to me, all her rebudles and excuses. Why her phone wasn't working because it was "wet", when in reality she got it taken away because she had gotten caught sneaking out of her house, And I was the one who told her parents- haha classic. When she said I had trust issues, when in reality I would see her walking with her ex after school and holding hands. It was really fun, getting to know her and sharing nice moments, and watching her lie to me. No I wasn't being ignorant I was experimenting with nature. So I wont make the mistake to go out with a girl like that, don't want to live another soap opera, just glad mine doesn't have a second season.

B-legend was dead.

   In December 2011, after a year of rapping and releasing unfinished ,Quick, different music, I decided to take a break and focus on work school and practice and what I should have done from the start. Writing punch lines and rhymes any where I could jot them. After 6 months in June 2012 "Dreamer" was released after 8 months it was recorded. Big break? NO. How many people streamed it? Only 13.  Should i quit? No of course not. I'm working on something bigger and just doing me. So expect something big, expect something legendary.